Theory essay

During study period 2.3. in practice “New Earth” I had to do research on one of the five topics: salt, food, water, soil and food, and a problem this resource is facing. I chose salt, because I believe it is a very versatile material and has quite intriguing system, that remains mainly unseen.

Researching salts, system thinking from theory lessons really helped me to understand how salt goes from being mined, exported and finally ends up in nature. It also helped me to understand more clearly how to look at the problem through different layers and how that correlates to social practice. For instance, in this project I went through the problem of people using less salt, it showed me causes of that, like people getting more educated in health risks of using too much salt and also external factors, like winters are getting warmer so there is less use at the roads and unfreezing backyards. Also, food preservation has advanced, and people don’t use salt as much in that sense too. Since people are using less salt, that means there will be oversaturation of this resource in nature.

Analysing these models helped me to find a new concept, by realising that I need to find a new use for salt, that would fit in the salt mining system and would solve the iceberg model shown problems.

Taking in consideration these models I came up with solution of making packaging for bath salt made from salt. This packaging could be used for more than just bath salts, but for now I decided to keep it in or near bath, because then the packaging will slowly dissolve over time and provide benefits as bath salt would even when the product has ended. Since I’m using unfiltered salt It would still contain the minerals that are often found in Himalayan salt and thus also containing most of its healing properties. Since packaging is made from salt it creates a new use for it thus it will be mined more balancing the salt oversaturation in nature (balancing loop). It also returns to nature the same way as our used water, keeping our water circulation system intact.

Making this concept I got deeply influenced by Studio Karlijn Sibbel’s project “INDUSRY BY NATURE / crystal layering”, because it shows how to grow salt in different shapes. Another strong inspiration was Berlin-based designer Jonna Breitenhuber's project of packaging shampoo in a soap bar which showed me that there is a place for unconventional packaging, and it can also hold a use. And I also looked t already industry used technique of salt compression in blocks. This technique is mainly used to create salt blocks for animals to lick to balance their sodium levels. I was mainly fascinated that with that technique its possible to produce also some relatively complex shapes.

This kind of system approach is relevant in my designing process. Also, outside of this project, because I believe it helps to find substance in projects, locate and tackle issues and find social benefits of a project. It also helps me to analyse the impact of my future project son societies and nature.

1. “Erez Nevi Pana Proposes a Way to Recrystallize the Desert of the Dead Sea.” Designboom, 11 Apr. 2018,
2. “Industry by Nature - Karlijn Sibbel.” WUR,
3. Linda Booth Sweeney “A Means to Understand Our Complex World.” 2001. PDF file.
4. Segran, Elizabeth. “The Future of Packaging Could Be as Simple as a Bar of Soap.” Fast Company, Fast Company, 2 Oct. 2019,